![]() | It's Pat Genres: Comedy Year: 1994 IMDB Rating: 2.30 IMDB Votes: 4481 Actors: Leech, Beverly as Mrs. Riley, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko as Curious Sushi Woman, Foley, Dave as Chris, Griffin, Kathy as Kathy Griffin, Scheer, Mary as Nurse, McNiven, Philip as Sushi Customer, Sweeney, Julia as Pat Riley, Tondo, Jerry as Sushi Chef, Yama, Michael as Curious Sushi Man, Christie, Julianne as Strip Club Hostess, Stack, Timothy as Doctor, Rocket, Charles as Kyle Jacobsen, Hayden, Julie as Stacy Jacobsen, Najimy, Kathy as Tippy, Hankin, Larry as Postal Supervisor |
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Yes, it's Cheesy, but what else have you expect. There were some great scenes that were cut that I saw once on broadcast television. I look forward to broadcast only once more so you can tape the scenes. (From what I remember, were more / Pat extended scenes of the first jobs, bad dreams, fantasies, and when Pat met Chris.) It's a great view Ween. (Viva la Boognish!) You do not even bother me that the most annoying woman in the world, Kathy Griffin, was in it. 6 / 10 (10/10 as far as comedies go Cheesy) |
It is interesting to see a movie that is based on nothing more than a single line of plot (which is the gender of Pat?) And yet, it suggests. The oddly stupid forces of a plot to wonder if gender is important or not at all. Of course, the film is a long tease stupid, but hey, when was the last time you see a tease that really has something to say? |
I wanted to like this movie, REALLY did. Dave Foley, Ween, Julia Sweeney ...... but I have to say it's bad. One lesson we learned long ago that SNL skits are 5 minutes for a reason. There is really no way to pad em to feature: with the exception of Wayne World, which I liked. I do not know who Dumber: the people who keep making these films or dumbies us to keep the rent from them. |
I loved Kids in the Hall, so that one day when this movie was a stink at HBO saw that, thinking that it could not be all bad, if Dave Foley was in it. I was really bad. That is roughly 80 minutes that I can never take away. It's not just that the movie is bad, is that the main character, Pat, is completely Unlike. It behaves like a complete idiot uncomfortable, beyond the feelings of others. I spent the whole time just hating the character. The only reason he gave this 2 stars instead of 1 is for the establishment of Pat's apartment. I liked the style almost googie architecture and interior decoration retro. But that is not, I do not recommend this movie for any reason, even to see Dave in another gear or two. If you really want to see a spin off SNL, check out "Stuart Saves his family" which is actually quite good. |
This film is one of the few films that can be called a movie. Unfortunately, with the passage of the eighties, very few films it produces, as today. Everything is Hollywood or independent, and the two are increasingly becoming the same. Some of the greatest films that are produced are like "It's Pat." Fall somewhere away from everything else. "Stuart Saves his family" is the same (although the connection SNL). Being a humble student of cinema, this movie gives me constant source of inspiration for movies that do not easily fit into the genres described. Many hated, and some of us absolutely love it. Another is a great "Super Mario Brothers." These movies never seem to amaze me. Moreover, the emergence of Ween is a surprise and price. |
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