![]() | Born on the Fourth of July A story of innocence lost and courage found. Genres: Drama, Biography, War Year: 1989 IMDB Rating: 7.00 IMDB Votes: 17970 Actors: McTighe, Michael as Danny Fantozzi, Evans, Josh as Tommy Kovic, Baldwin, Stephen as Billy Vorsovich, Bobby, Anne as Suzanne Kovic, Haus, Richard as Recruiting Sgt. Bowers, Whaley, Frank as Timmy, Talisman, Jamie as Jimmy Kovic, Larkin, Samantha as Patty Kovic, Berenger, Tom as Recruiting Gunnery Sgt. Hayes, Levine, Jerry as Steve Boyer, Kava, Caroline as Mrs. Kovic, Cruise, Tom as Ron Kovic, Barry, Raymond J. as Mr. Kovic, Camilletti, Rob as Tommy Finnelli, Panebianco, Richard as Joey Walsh |
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"Born on the Fourth of July" has a certain effect on me. The first time I saw him in the movies when I was 13. I do not understand much about politics or war at the time. But certainly in some chords beaten myself. And then I saw that DVD film Born on the Fourth of July a couple of times in my "adult" and the life for me, is one of Oliver Stone is best. And the induction of Tom Cruise Hollywood stardom in the grave, including "Cocktail" and "Top Gun." The path represents patriotism, is the veil of ignorance, the god of the family and the flag ... how Vietnam 'vets' were betrayed, used ... cannon fodder for U.S. politicians is fantastic. The beauty is that "Born on Fourth of July" is not political or agonisingly paternalistic way. |
"Born on the Fourth of July," Oliver Stone is more powerful behind the Born on the Fourth of July Drama "Platoon." Those who have criticized the Born on the Fourth of July Drama film by Oliver Stone and for taking too many liberties, none of the criticisms have any relevance. Unless Ron Kovic to the story is you have no right to complain. This is a great DivX Movie Born on the Fourth of July by Oliver Stone and is a great director, period. Tom Cruise gives his best performance to date here as Ron Kovic Vietnam vet, who, after fighting in Vietnam was limited to a wheelchair. In fact all actors in this Born on the Fourth of July Drama film is phenomenal. Behind "Platoon," "JFK" and "Natural Born Killers," this is the best DivX film Born on the Fourth of July of the stone. I have the utmost respect for those brave enough to fight in the Vietnam War, I hope I do not upset anyone by my comments. |
"Born on the Fourth of July" is a DivX Movie Born on the Fourth of July based on real life experiences of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic (Tom Cruise in an Oscar nominated role). As a young man who feels that Vietnam is another battleground for the United States. Even after he returns home paralyzed from the waist down, still believes that Vietnam is important and that do not support the fight against America, then you should leave. However, a change of heart and became an activist against the war that one realizes that nothing out of combat, but pain and sadness. Oliver Stone's script is fairly strong, but its relentless way that makes the material work throughout the process. Tom Cruise was established as an upper-class actor and the Born on the Fourth of July movie remains above water because of that fact. The lack of support from non-impeding the progress of the Born on the Fourth of July movie though. Willem Dafoe, Tom Berenger, Kyra Sedgwick and do something symbolic appearances and the impact of their screen time is minimal. Cruise dominates the character of the film. This is the strength of the movie: Born on the Fourth of July and weakness. Overall a great movie, but it could have been much more. 4 out of 5 stars. |
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1 comment:
Diga lo que diga la falsa izquierda de las ONGs derechistas financiadas por el imperio, la realidad imposible de ocultar es que el obispo Fernando Lugo ganó las elecciones del 20 de abril con notorio respaldo de la embajada norteamericana ocupada por James Cason, y con el apoyo de la prensa vinculada a la Secta Moon. Su plataforma política la constituyeron grupos de activistas vinculados a ONGs derechistas relacionadas con el NED, IAF, USAID, etc., neoliberales como el sector de Luis Alberto Castiglioni y los partidarios del desaparecido dictador Alfredo Stroessner, todos ellos disidentes del partido colorado que presentó una candidatura que no era del agrado de estos grupos de extrema derecha.
Algunos grupos que se autoproclaman izquierdistas alegaron razones de coyuntura para seguir como furgón de cola la candidatura del obispo. La presencia de ellos constituye parte del libreto de la derecha, que los utiliza para fustigar sobre supuesta infiltración marxista en el gabinete del clérigo, aunque en realidad esté constituído en su totalidad por personeros del neoliberalismo y la embajada norteamericana.
La totalidad los integrantes del gabinete del obispo Fernando Lugo provienen del sector de las ONGs financiadas por la embajada norteamericana. Se cuentan entre ellos a Gloria Rubín (referente en Paraguay del NED y la CIA), Camilo Soares (beneficiario de fondos de IAF y NED, favorecido del gobierno de George W. Bush) Rafael Filizzola (signatario de acuerdos con Alvaro Uribe a instancias de la ex operadora del plan Colombia Liliana Ayalde), Karina Rodríguez (de la Casa de la Juventud, que recibió 127 mil dólares de la Inter American Foundation), Liz Torres (referente de las logias de ONGs dependientes de la embajada norteamericana), Esperanza Martínez (del movimiento Tekojojá, financiado por USAID, hoy envuelto en escándalo por corrupción), Canciller Hamed Franco (del Pmas, un movimiento financiado por James Cason), el Vice-canciller Jorge Lara Castro (recibe dólares de la embajada a través de la ONG fantasma Alter Vida), Ministro de Defensa General Bareiro Spaini (hombre de la embajada norteamericana, educado en las escuelas de golpistas de Estados Unidos) o el ministro de Hacienda Dionisio Borda, antiguo responsable de las finanzas de los gobiernos corruptos y agente de la embajada norteamericana y del FMI.
Asimismo, Fernando Lugo ha anunciado que se mantendrá la política de sometimiento al imperio nortemericano en Paraguay, y se desconoce lo tratado por Lugo en New York con referentes de la mafia ítalo-norteamericana como John Tonelli, o con el heredero del imperio petrolero que en la década de 1930 llevó a la matanza a cien mil bolivianos y paraguayos, David Rockefeller. Lo único cierto es que ofició de guía turístico en la gran manzana Conrado Pappalardo, un personaje conocido por haber operado para el Plan Cóndor y haber proveído pasaportes para el asesinato en Washington de Orlando Letelier.
Otros cónclaves nunca aclarados por parte del obispo fueron sus reuniones con James Cason y Roger Noriega, pocos segundos después que Aleida Guevara March, hija del Che Guevara, haya abandonado la misma oficina por la misma puerta por la que entraron estos grandes amigos de Cuba y los hermanos Castro.
No se sabe el motivo de las visitas de Christopher McMuller, subsecretario norteamericano de Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental, al viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores paraguayo, Jorge Lara Castro, un viejo favorecido de la embajada norteamericana de Asunción.
Todo el andamiaje de la CIA y sus extensiones y derivados, como USAID, la National Endowment for Democracy y la prensa adicta al imperio, se jugó por el obispo Fernando Lugo el 20 de abril.
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